THAT’s what she means by transparency (or is it?)

TweetOn a day when the state’s largest newspaper leads with a second-day story about Vincent Sheheen answering questions that he shouldn’t be asked, about GOP inside-the-Beltway shouting points (the headline, “Sheheen takes on the issues,” was baldly out of sync with the story, since those are NOT “the issues”), it was shockingly refreshing to see […]

Prominent Indian-American politicians in the South — all 2 of them

TweetSalon has a piece on how our own Nikki Haley and Bobby Jindal work to carve out a place for themselves in the GOP of the South. An excerpt: There’s no doubt that the religious conversions of Haley and Jindal, the two most prominent Indian-American politicians, have powerful personal and spiritual roots. But it’s also […]

SC Democrats give sarcasm a try with new TV ad

Tweet This just in from SC Democrats: COLUMBIA- South Carolina Democrats fired the opening shot of election season with a television ad criticizing Republican gubernatorial candidate Nikki Haley for her tax hypocrisies. The ad, titled “Thanks Nikki,” will begin airing today in Columbia. In the ad Mark Sanford’s disciple, who voted for a two percent […]

Don’t look for sanity inside Beltway this year

TweetTo elevate a comment exchange to post status, back here Bart said: The GOP may be a joke but it looks like they will have the last laugh come November when the American voters, who are a lot more intelligent than most give them credit for, sends a message that they don’t appreciate being Punk’d […]

If only Karen Floyd cared about what I really think

TweetI got an invitation this morning, via e-mail, to participate in an opinion survey, from state GOP Chairwoman Karen Floyd. It was just another of those bogus surveys that the political parties send out — you know, the ones that are more about making partisan assertions and whipping up the faithful (so that they’ll give […]

What Vincent Sheheen’s been up to lately

TweetUp until a couple of weeks back when he finally came out swinging on Nikki Haley’s painfully obvious hypocrisy on transparency (not to mention her inability and/or refusal to pay her taxes on time — and this from the candidate who wants to run the state the way she runs her business), I was getting […]

There is nothing wrong with this cartoon

Tweet In fact, it’s quite awesome. I missed it when Robert put it out week before last, and I’m glad it’s been called to my attention now. It’s hard to imagine a more pointed evocation of exactly what’s wrong with Nikki Haley. Or one of the things wrong with her, anyway. What might be harder […]

I’ll take my Coffee Party straight black, please

Tweet Even if I didn’t know what they respectively represent, I’d have a prejudice in favor of the new and growing Coffee Party movement over the Tea Party. Simply because, you know, coffee is way better than that eyewash they drink over across the pond. But knowing what a wonderful, rational, well-motivated response the Coffee Party […]

Mike Fitts’ piece on Sheheen and the Chamber

TweetThe lead story in the latest print version of Columbia Regional Business Report was about the S.C. Chamber of Commerce’s historic decision to endorse a candidate in the governor’s race — specifically, Vincent Sheheen. I can’t link you to the full piece because for some reason it’s not online. But Mike Fitts shot me a […]

Richland Dems can’t count either!

TweetYa gotta love it. Just now, I received a fund-raising message from Richland County Democrats that boldly asserts in the headline: Get Active! 99 Days to the Election! OK, so that means Richland Democrats agree with Nikki Haley, but disagree with Rob Miller, as to how many days there are until the election. Right? Yo! […]

So which was it — 99 days or 100?

TweetMeant to raise this question yesterday, which would have been less confusing, but when it occurred to me last night I didn’t feel like breaking the laptop back out, so here goes. On Monday, I received a release from the Rob Miller campaign headlined “99 Reasons,” and beginning this way: “It seems far away now, […]

Alvin Greene not really anything new for SC

TweetAt lunch today, I said something about “Mad Men,” and a lady friend mentioned that one of the actresses from the show was on the cover of Playboy. This grabbed my attention, although I calmed down a bit when she told me it was NOT Christina Hendricks, who plays Joan Holloway. Yes. I was disappointed, […]

… but no pledges, please, Vincent

TweetHaving praised Vincent Sheheen for challenging Nikki Haley to actually be transparent for a change (since that’s, you know, her platform), I’ve gotta say I’m with Nikki on this: Democratic gubernatorial candidate Vincent Sheheen has signed a pledge, promising to make an effort to appoint qualified women to senior level positions on state boards and […]

Good move, Vincent. Now release your e-mails, too

TweetFinally, after a couple of weeks hiatus, there’s a sign of life from the Sheheen campaign, and it’s a good one. Vincent released his last 10 years of tax records, and challenged Nikki Haley to do the same. Normally, this kind of gesture wouldn’t mean much to me. But it means a lot in the […]

Sanford Redux? Let’s pray not. But the long knives ARE likely to come out for Lindsey

TweetFirst, the good news: As the one most thoughtful and principled Republican in the United States Senate — a guy who will fairly consider Democratic court nominees, just as he demands the same intellectual honesty from Democrats with Republican nominees — Lindsey Graham today became the only GOP senator to vote Elena Kagan out of […]

SC GOP having absolute cow over Pelosi’s $2k

Tweet You may have noticed something about South Carolina Republicans this year — even the ones who have good sense, like Henry McMaster: They’re all about national politics, and not at all about South Carolina. So it is that you have Henry’s ridiculous “Vultures” ad. And with Nikki Haley, it pretty much seeps into everything […]