Hey, I missed that amendment…

TweetMan, I’ve just got to do a better job of keeping up with new wrinkles in the U.S. Constitution. Apparently there’s a provision now that requires that governors to vote on U.S. Supreme Court nominees. Who knew? That’s the only way I can explain this development, brought to my attention by an alert reader… It’s […]

Now I’ve got the Democrats all stirred up

TweetThis came in a little while ago: For Immediate Release July 13, 2010 Press contact: Keiana Page (803) 799-7798 SC Dems React To Haley’s Desperate Closed-Door Meetings “Transparency Candidate” Resorts To Backroom Deals COLUMBIA-South Carolina Democrats criticized GOP gubernatorial candidate Nikki Haley today in the wake of revelations that she is holding a desperate closed-door […]

Graham said what I think about the Tea Party

TweetOn Sunday, my wife was reading the paper, and announced that there was something in there about what Lindsey Graham said in that New York Times Magazine profile recently. Turns out it was a rehash of the quote about not being gay. What I had HOPED was being quoted was what he said about the […]

Whom we elect in SC is none of your business, Gov. Pawlenty

TweetAs you know, few things tick me off more than the nationalization of local politics. I even get on the case of politicians I like when they start acting like they want to influence the residents of OTHER states as to whom they should elect — especially since they almost always do so in behalf […]

The HISTORIC part is the national media factor

TweetJust got a call from NPR; they want me on the radio this afternoon at 2:20 to talk SC politics, even though I told them I wasn’t really paying that much attention yesterday to the stuff THEY were watching, but was following runoffs that were actually in doubt. Which gets me to my point. As […]

But I’m sure Andre appreciates the mention

TweetNikki Haley has a party going on tonight. Where? Here: Please join us tonight at 6:30 at the Wild Wings off Bauer Parkway in Irmoabout 1 hour ago via Twitter for Android Shortly thereafter, she sent out this update: Correction: Wilds Wings off BOWER Parkway at 6:30 this eveningabout 1 hour ago via Twitter for Android Not […]

We’re making one heck of an international impression

TweetIt’s just not the sort a sane person would want to make. As I was getting out of a vehicle to walk to the State House right after lunch today, I got a call on the Blackberry from Paris. Caller ID said the number was … well, there were 11 digits. To summarize the phone […]

Truer words than Jake’s never spoken in SC

TweetWell, I’ve gotta hand it to Jake Knotts — he stood up as what he is and spared no words about it: He is a redneck. And he was right to be proud of the supposed ephithet. A farmer suntan is a mark of hard work, something of which a simple kind of man should […]

Two views on the McMaster endorsement

TweetFirst, we have this release from Nikki Haley: Friends, With one week until Election Day, I am proud to welcome my friend Attorney General Henry McMaster to our campaign!  General McMaster was a true gentleman on the campaign trail and I am thrilled to have him join our team. You can watch General McMaster’s endorsement […]

CREW wants Henry to probe Greene candidacy

Tweet“CREW?” Yeah, I had to look it up, too. I learned that it is “Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington,” which rang a bell, and sure enough, they’re the crowd that not only listed Mark Sanford as one of the worst governors in America, they used his picture to illustrate the concept. For what […]

Man up, lawmakers: Override those vetoes

TweetLittle left to say, except it’s time for lawmakers of both parties in the House to set aside all the B.S., lay down their insecurities, eschew their customary fecklessness, man up and veto those indefensible vetoes. I’m talking about this veto and this one and this one and most of the others. I’ve really had […]

Rep. Smith: Democrats WILL vote to override all 107 Sanford vetoes

TweetNot as a bloc, mind you, because as you know, Democrats don’t do blocs. But according to Rep. James Smith, who called me a few minutes ago to set me straight (thereby saving me a call to him or Minority Leader Harry Ott), it will be the official House Democratic leadership position that ALL of […]

Some background on Sanford’s tech system vetoes

TweetYou may have seen a piece in The State today by Otie Rawl regarding governor’s vetoes of funding for the S.C. Technical College system. (This may be the only place you’ve seen mention of this in the MSM). Let me give you some numbers to add to your perspective on this particular outrage of the […]