“Where Have All the Reporters Gone?” Duh…

TweetDoug T., back on this thread, kindly brings our attention to a piece by Walter Shapiro on Politics Daily headlined “Nikki Haley and Rand Paul Races: Where Have All the Reporters Gone?” An excerpt: On the cusp of her historic landslide victory in the South Carolina GOP gubernatorial primary, Nikki Haley swooped into Hartsville last Saturday […]

The Politico profile of Will Folks

Tweet Monday night, as I was resting up before election day, I got an e-mail from Ben Smith at Politico asking for an interview the following day — about Will Folks and the Nikki Haley story. I said OK, and called him next morning on the Blackberry as I was driving to my polling place […]

Where was The State on Alvin Greene TODAY?

TweetAs I’ve been saying to anyone who asks, the nomination of Alvin Greene is a failure with enough blame to go around to everyone. The voters, of course (as politically incorrect, as anti-democratic, as it is to blame the precious voter). The Democratic Party. And definitely the media — both MSM and the vaunted, tell-you-everything […]

Who’s that following me? Could it be the Democratic nominee for the U.S. Senate?

TweetOK, I’m not falling for this stunt again. At least, not entirely. This morning, I got a message that “Alvin Greene is now following you on Twitter!” And sure enough, there he was. So I responded, “Apparently, Alvin Greene is now following me on Twitter. Welcome, Alvin. But where were you before now?” But I […]

Will GOP be willing to come back together?

TweetThe Republican Party theoretically has all the advantages looking toward November, in the gubernatorial election as well as in others: After all, more than twice as many people took a Republican ballot yesterday as voted in the Democratic. Even though she didn’t win her primary outright the way Vincent Sheheen did, Nikki Haley still got […]

Count your blessings, SC: Andre won’t be our governor

TweetAmid all the hoo-hah over Nikki Haley and Gresham Barrett and Vincent Sheheen, and Converse Chellis losing his job and all that down-ballot stuff, it’s easy to forget to be thankful for something: Andre Bauer is not going to be our governor. You’re going to scoff, now, and say “How absurd; he was never going […]

Some big smiles from the night’s big winner

Tweet Looking back over the pictures I shot tonight at Vincent Sheheen’s victory party, the thing that strikes me is that I actually have a couple of shots of the normally low-key, unassuming Sheheen with a supercharged, 1,000-watt grin. (C. Aluka Berry, standing right next to me, got an even BIGGER grin over at thestate.com.) And […]

Pore ol’ Henry can’t even get his picture in the paper anymore

TweetReading my Wall Street Journal this morning, I was struck with just how far poor ol’ Henry McMaster has fallen from when I thought he was the most likely of the GOP hopefuls. The WSJ had a roundup of “Primaries to Watch From Coast to Coast,” and they had this little bit from our own […]

If I were endorsing, I’d endorse Vincent Sheheen

Tweet Ignore what I wrote in that last post. It does Vincent Sheheen a great disservice, by suggesting the reason to pick a Democratic ballot and vote for him tomorrow is simply because of the mere absence of negativity in his campaign. He deserves a much more positive endorsement than that, for the simple reason […]

What do Rob Miller and Katrina Shealy have in common?

TweetScenario: Veteran incumbent Republican shoots off his mouth in a way that embarrasses South Carolina across the nation. This creates the opportunity for better representation to emerge, for people with a lot to offer, people with a good chance of beating that incumbent, to emerge, to step forward and offer South Carolinians a chance to […]

Don’t vote with your emotions, people. THINK!

TweetMy attention this evening was drawn to this piece by someone from elsewhere, which ends thusly: Now that same old abusive style is erupting in South Carolina’s Republican primary. Brandishing charges of sexual infidelity, the state’s male Republican establishment has launched  a vile character assassination of gubernatorial front-runner Nikki Haley, who is married with two […]

I’ll TRY to be more colorful, if that’s what it takes

TweetWell, I think I know why Wesley and Phil haven’t had me back on “Pub Politics” for several weeks: I’m just not outrageous enough. In this new environment, a blogger who wants attention is expected to claim to have done the nasty with a front-runner, and a state senator has to dredge through the darker […]

No way should any of these four Republican candidates become governor of our state

TweetOn Sunday, my former newspaper endorsed Henry McMaster in the GOP primary for governor. The piece was well argued, and contained points that I had forgotten regarding his record. The piece was based upon his record, of course, because nothing in his campaign would cause a reasonable person to want to support him. It wasn’t […]

I’m just going to give this one a pass for now

TweetThis is too much. I had been sort of unplugged from the rumor mill for a few hours when my wife told me she’d half-heard something else on the telly about Nikki Haley, so I checked Twitter, and when I saw the names attached to the latest salacious allegation… … I just said to myself, […]

Here’s a nice change: GOP candidates arguing over which of them is the better friend to public schools

TweetHere’s something you don’t see every day any more: Republican candidates vying to be seen as friends to public schools, and attacking other GOP candidates for supporting vouchers and such. It’s certainly not unheard-of. GOP Reps. Bill Cotty and Ken Clark were great advocates for and defenders of public education. But you’ll notice that neither […]

Chamber goes 100% for incumbents in House races

TweetThis just in from the state Chamber of Commerce: SOUTH CAROLINA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ENDORSES HOUSE CANDIDATES AHEAD OF PRIMARIES Columbia, S.C.  – The South Carolina Chamber of Commerce, the state’s largest broad-based business organization, is pleased to announce the endorsements of the following House of Representative candidates who have primary challengers. District 2 – […]

Having Palin weigh in is no way to win points

TweetMan oh man, there’s just no ignoring this loathsome story, as everyone gets in on the act: COLUMBIA, SC (WIS/AP) – Nikki Haley took to the airwaves Monday afternoon to “emphatically” deny a political blogger and former Sanford aide’s claim that he had a romantic relationship with the Republican gubernatorial candidate in 2007…. … The […]

Vote for me, the liberal republican (or conservative democrat, if you prefer)!

Tweet You know, I don’t know if I can abide seeing one more mailer (such as the one above that came in the mail today) or yard sign trumpeting to the world that the candidate in question is a “Conservative Republican.” You know, as opposed to all those liberal Republicans running around over here in […]