Excuse the old-fashioned screamer headline, but this is pretty startling stuff.
Mark Sanford, the governor who long ago gave up playing well with others (radical libertarians, being self-oriented, have trouble with that sort of thing, so make allowances) has just taken his first visible step toward dumping the conservative Republicans in the Legislature in favor of drones more to the liking of himself, Howard Rich and Grover Norquist.
More startlingly, he’s got Tom Davis — who I would have thought was above such things — helping him do it.
You really need to read to the bottom of this to get the full import. But basically, the governor is no longer satisfied to let Mr. Rich finance the effort to Ayn Randize South Carolina. He, a man elected to be a steward of this state, is now leading the charge.
Note that there is no longer any pretense of his idea of "reform" having anything to do with good government. Restructuring state government — the one best idea Mr. Sanford embraced — is left out of the bulleted list of important values at the end. (Only one "good government" goal remains — prioritizing spending. But this context makes clear that for Gov. Sanford, it’s not about better, smarter spending, but simply less of it.) It’s now about less government, pure and simple.
This particularly disturbing because up to now, ReformSC has styled itself as an advocate for restructuring, and deservedly attracted support on that basis.
For the sake of time — we can come back to these things later — I won’t go into refuting the governor’s bogus figures about the growth of state spending. Just read the e-mail that was shared with us today:
—–Original Message—–
From: Tom Davis [mailto:tom1960davis@yahoo.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2007 10:42 AM
Subject: A Chance for Reform in South CarolinaPlease disregard the previous e-mail that was inadvertently sent to you with
the wrong subject heading. I apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you
for your time.Dear Supporter of Gov. Sanford,
First, please excuse this impersonal email. It is not my preferred mode of
corresponding, but present circumstance requires me to reach as many
conservative-minded South Carolinians as soon as possible.Second, a brief introduction: I am currently Gov. Sanford’s chief of staff.
I have known the governor for over 25 years (we both attended Furman
University) and I have also worked on both his gubernatorial campaigns.Third, the reason I am sending you this email. As you may have guessed, it
involves asking you for money, an unfortunate but necessary evil in the
world of politics – especially when you are trying (as the governor now is)
to mobilize the people of South Carolina to send Columbia politicians a
powerful message.The money is not for Gov. Sanford or for any other elected official – it is
for a recently formed non-profit called Reform SC – an entity whose sole
purpose is to provide information – through television, direct mailings,
radio, etc. – in the belief that if people understand what is truly
happening in Columbia, then they will have a greater reason to demand things
change.And equally important, Reform SC will be a vehicle through which to make
that change happen, a statewide, organized grassroots movement that likes of
which have never been seen in South Carolina. But to do that Reform SC
needs money, and to that end major fundraisers for Reform SC will be held on
Tuesday, October 16, 2007.On that day, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush will join Gov. Sanford and other
leading conservatives in our state at a breakfast event in Spartanburg, a
lunch event in Columbia and an evening cocktail event in Charleston – all
for the sole purpose of raising money for Reform SC.The sole purpose of this email is for me to ask whether you will help us get
folks to attend one or more of those events. If you are willing to help,
then simply reply to this email with your contact information (name, mailing
address, phone number) and I will personally follow back up with you to
discuss particulars. Time is of the essence since the fundraisers will be
on Oct. 16.I appreciate your consideration and look forward to corresponding with you
in more detail in the days ahead.Sincerely,
Tom Davis
South Carolinians elected Republican candidates to serve in 8 of the 9
constitutional officers and as a majority in both chambers of the General
Assembly. For that reason, many folks believe that conservative ideas are
being advanced in Columbia – but all too often they are not.No question, there are some great conservative legislators serving in
Columbia. But there are also far too many who campaigned for election on a
conservative platform and then failed to follow through on their promises.
Here are just a few examples:. Promising to limit the growth of state government, but then voting
to grow it by 41% in the past three years – almost three times people’s
ability to pay for it.. Promising to cut taxes, but then opposing a reduction to a state
income tax rate that is the fifth highest in the nation and the highest in
the Southeast.. Promising to provide South Carolina parents with more educational
choices for their children, but then making state education bureaucrats the
ones who "choose.". Promising to prioritize spending on public safety, education and
healthcare, but then funding local pork-barrel projects that do nothing but
help them get re-elected.The list could go on and on, but you get the idea. The problem is, until
the creation of Reform SC, there has never been a statewide, grassroots
effort to inform the voters of the disconnect between their legislators’
conservative campaign promises and the way they actually vote.—
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