Brief observations from Monday night

Tweet Since I suffered through enough of the GOP convention last night to send out a few tweets, I might as well share them here (one of these days I’m going to figure out how to seamlessly integrate Twitter into this blog in real time; until then I’ll  have to do this). And “suffered” is […]

“And we will now answer any questions you may have… psych!” – Columbia, South Carolina | On the last post, a reader called my attention to the video of the exchange, such as it was, between Nikki Haley and Gina Smith. You really should watch it. It’s very short. Our governor begins the Q and A by saying, “And we will now answer any questions […]

Our governor’s latest immature outburst

TweetHar-de-har-har-har. This morning, Corey Hutchins Tweeted: Cue the @BradWarthen blog post about the governor and Gina Smith three days from now… Yeah. Good one. Ha-ha. Here’s the thing, folks — I long ago decided that it was better to write about something out-of-cycle than it was never to address it. And them’s the choices you […]

Slate missed a good, timely angle on Darla Moore

TweetTo us South Carolinians, Darla Moore was a logical choice to break the gender barrier at Augusta National. And then Condoleezza Rice was sort of a case of, well yeah, that makes sense, too. But this wasn’t just a South Carolina story, and apparently folks elsewhere don’t all know Darla. Slate tried to address that […]

From ‘legitimate rape’ to the Country Club

TweetJust a quick post to give y’all a chance to comment on today’s two main trending stories. First this: Rep. Todd Akin said Monday that he will not give in to calls for him to end his Missouri Senate campaign after his controversial comments about “legitimate rape.” “I’m not a quitter. My belief is we’re […]

Ryan may be best of all possible picks for Romney

Tweet This Tweet said it as well as anything else over the weekend: Yes, for a presidential candidate who leaves everyone somewhere between cold and lukewarm, Paul Ryan is the perfect running mate: Someone beloved by both the Tea Party and the Club for Growth. For those of you color-blind in that range, Nikki Haley […]

Let’s certainly HOPE that’s what it means…

TweetI found this bit from the Tampa Bay Times a bit jarring: The first look at featured speakers [for the Republican National Convention in Tampa] also includes South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, Ohio Gov. John Kasich and New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez. The keynote speaker and others will be named closer […]

Michael Rodgers’ letter to the editor

TweetSince I am no longer paid to do so, I seldom read letters to the editor any more. So I appreciate that our own Michael Rodgers took time to call attention to his letter in The State yesterday, so that I might share it. Here it is: Modernize our S.C. government Cindi Scoppe’s Thursday column, […]

A blast from SC’s past (and present, alas)

TweetThere was a meme bouncing around on Twitter this morning having to do with the expression “dog whistle politics.” It’s a phrase you’ve probably heard before, which is easy to understand intuitively, but I was curious about its provenance, so I looked it up. And I found a little gem that, if I had read […]

So, are we ‘allowed’ to ask about THIS?

TweetThis came during today’s Rotary meeting, while I was hearing Robbie Kerr talking about Obamacare. (More about that later.): COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) – Gov. Nikki Haley’s husband Michael is being deployed to Afghanistan with South Carolina’s National Guard. Gubernatorial spokesman Rob Godfrey says Michael Haley received his orders Monday and is leaving the country in […]

The news story that was (in part) about itself

Tweet You may or may not have seen that the finished version of the story about the ramifications of Nikki Haley’s daughter getting a PRT job finally appeared in The State today. Of course, it was far more involved and complete than the “draft” version that appeared inadvertently on the web pages of The Rock […]

Following the Senate’s override votes

TweetYesterday’s override votes by the House overrode nothing. It takes a 2/3 vote of both chambers to override a veto. This means the legislative branch’s rejection of the governor’s decision has to be pretty resounding, in the nature of a consensus. Again, I’m following Adam Beam’s blow-by-blow account, since he’s there and I’m not. Here’s […]

SC DOT: One example of how SC constantly underfunds basic functions of government

TweetThis post should be seen as the background to this little drama over the governor’s vetoes, to provide some perspective. What seems to have been missing on most, but not all, of Nikki Haley’s vetoes has been a clear explanation of what she would spend the money on instead. Her ideology prevents her from setting […]

Just once, it would be nice to be able to respect one of this governor’s vetoes

TweetCases could probably be made for some of Nikki Haley’s vetoes, but she doesn’t offer them. With each news story I read about yet another veto, I wait for her argument — and it never comes. For instance, here’s what was offered instead of an actual reason for vetoing the Governor’s Schools: “All of these […]

Beth Bernstein touts 2nd quarter fund-raising

Tweet Just got this from House candidate Beth Bernstein: Beth Bernstein, House District 78 candidate, raises over $32,000 in second quarter Has more than $54,000 on hand Columbia, SC — Beth Bernstein, candidate for House District 78 against incumbent Rep. Joan Brady, filed her second quarter financial disclosure with over $32,000, bringing her overall fund […]

More evidence in defense of John Rainey

TweetAs long as I’m mentioning Cindi and Warren today, I’ll go ahead and call your attention to something else I saw in The State this morning. It was a column by Kathleen Parker, in which she stuck up for John Rainey in light of our governor’s emotional attack on him. Remember her oh-so-classy way of […]

Tom Davis on Lindsey Graham on mandates

TweetMost of the time, people say that Tom Davis is gearing up to run against Lindsey Graham in the 2014 Republican primary. Sometimes, they shift and say he’s one of those preparing to run against Nikki Haley that year. But usually, it’s Lindsey Graham. Tom encourages that way of looking at things by posting stuff […]

And those grapes were probably sour anyway…

TweetDick Harpootlian is making the best of the fact that his preferred candidate lost the primary that he had fought and clawed to get him into, issuing the following statement last night: I would like to congratulate Dr. Gloria Tinubu on winning the Democratic run-off election and becoming our nominee for the 7th Congressional District. […]

In SC, what could be a more legitimate public policy goal than economic development?

TweetThis just in from the SC Policy Council: Policy Council: Economic Development ‘Machine’ Costs Taxpayers More Than $300 Million a Year with No Discernible Result Tuesday, June 19, 2012 – Today the South Carolina Policy Council released a report revealing that the state appropriates well over $300 million a year in the name of “economic […]