And that would make it less “political” HOW?

TweetI was a bit surprised by this move by Joan Brady: A Midlands lawmaker says the investigation into Gov. Nikki Haley has gotten too political and is encouraging it be investigated by the state Attorney General’s Office instead of a legislative committee. “The State Attorney General’s Office has the experienced investigators and staff necessary to […]

Some faves from the late, lamented @PhilBaileySC

TweetJust got around to seeing this… On Sunday in The State, The Buzz (a descendant of a tidbits column I started in the ’80s called “Earsay”), lamented the cruel demise of @PhilBaileySC, and remembered some of his best Tweets: • “Happy Confederate Memorial Day South Carolina. The rest of the country calls this day ‘Thursday’ ” […]

Cindi cites Her Alleged Majesty for contempt

TweetAs was anyone with even a rudimentary understanding of the rule of law, Cindi Scoppe was aghast at our governor’s behavior last week, both when she goaded the state GOP to defy the law in order to help rid her of a troublesome senator, and when her office responded childishly to the State Election Commission’s […]

Phil Bailey, exposed to Jake, misbehaves

TweetThis just goes to show you what peer pressure can do to you. Phil Bailey, Wesley Donehue’s co-host on “Pub Politics,” has always been an easy-going, reasonable guy who gets along with everybody — even his opposite number, Wesley. (Phil works for SC Senate Democrats, Wesley for the Republicans in that same body.) You couldn’t […]

Obama sucks! So send me more money!

TweetCatching up with my email, I’m marveling over this one from Joe Wilson, which takes irrelevant misdirection to a new level. Yes, we know that Nikki Haley got elected governor running against President Obama rather than her actual opponent, but I don’t think anyone has to date produced such a whiplash-inducing change of subject from […]

Maybe this rhetorical approach is a GIRL thing…

TweetSomething struck me when I was reading this release just now from Mia Butler Garrick: Friends, Today, we are just 43 days away from the Primary Election on June 12th and I need your help.  Right now in South Carolina, hundreds of special interest groups lobby the good ole boy network here at the State […]

Rawl defends Georgia dredging decision

TweetSouth Carolina Chamber of Commerce President Otis Rawl — who two years ago led his organization to make the unprecedented move of endorsing Vincent Sheheen for governor — today stuck up for Nikki Haley for something virtually no one at the State House will defend her on. Speaking to the Columbia Rotary Club, he said the […]

Going Vogue

Tweet The piece about Nikki Haley in Vogue, like most national media coverage we’ve seen of her, reliably hits all the wrong notes — and hits them hard. One wonders how the piece was typed, since the writer seems to be constantly hugging himself with delight to be in her presence. (A woman! An Indian-American […]

‘Gov. Transparency’ won’t waive confidentiality

TweetHarry Ott puts it pretty well in this release: Columbia, SC – House Democratic Leader Harry Ott expressed disappointment on Wednesday after Governor Nikki Haley’s office told the media she would refuse to waive her confidentiality in the event of an ethics investigation. Representative Ott released the following statement in response: “According to Governor Haley, […]

A Gov. McConnell might be a GOOD thing for SC

TweetNow I’m going to get WAY out ahead of events, and do some real blue-sky speculating. Glenn McConnell is now, to his great chagrin, our lieutenant governor. That means two things: He’s had to give up arguably the most powerful position in our government. If the governor leaves office precipitously, he will be our governor. […]

Will the Budget & Control Board really go away?

TweetIt would be nice to think so. Senate Republicans are rightly touting that possibility: Columbia, SC – February 16, 2012 – The South Carolina Senate today passed the most significant piece of restructuring legislation in the past two decades, passing a bill that completely eliminates the state Budget and Control Board. The new bill puts […]

SC went for Tillman rather than Hampton

TweetHere’s an observation that occurred to me the weekend of the South Carolina presidential preference primary, but which, being busy, I never got around to writing. It occurred to me again this morning, so here it is… Before the primary, I wrote that the usual pattern for SC Republicans would be to pick the candidate […]

Arts advocates gearing up to fight again

TweetBased on the emails I get, one of the best-organized lobbies in South Carolina is the one that promotes the arts. Of course, they need to be if their favored programs are to survive, since it appears that each year that Nikki Haley is governor is going to be a battle for existence for the […]

What I almost said in Key West

TweetLast night it occurred to me that I wrote out a lengthy opening statement for the panel discussion down in Key West over the weekend, and never used it. And I hate writing stuff without it going to some purpose… As I told y’all previously, I had written out this whole argument about why Romney […]

What would surprise you most on Saturday?

TweetI’m doing a number of interviews these days. I was interviewed by Canadian public radio yesterday, and taped a segment for Jeff Greenfield’s show on PBS (to air Friday). Then I had a couple of beers last night with E.J. Dionne. This morning, before I left the house, I spoke with Tom Finneran (former speaker […]