You may recall this post from a while back, from a group calling itself "Media Matters" which set out to prove that set out to prove that newspaper editorial pages favor conservative over "progressive" columnists, and (gasp!) found just that — as do all such groups, whatever they are setting out to prove. (For a group that will always magically find just the opposite of what this group finds, click here.)
Anyway, "Media Matters" has separated its data out state-by-state, and (gasp again!) found the same thing on the state level:
D.C. – Media Matters for America today released
South Carolina data for its new report “Black and White and Re(a)d All
Over: The Conservative Advantage in Syndicated Op-Ed Columns,” a
comprehensive and unprecedented analysis of nationally syndicated columnists
from nearly 1,400 newspapers,
or 96 percent of English-language U.S. daily newspapers.
If you care about this at all, you’ll probably care most about the paper-by-paper breakdown, so here is that:
Newspaper State Circulation Conservatives Progressives
Aiken Standard 15,856 100% 0%
Anderson Independent-Mail 36,781 100% 0%
Beaufort Gazette 11,994 25% 25%
Charleston Post and Courier 97,052 75% 13%
The State 116,952 50% 17%
Florence Morning News 33,078 0% 0%
Greenville News 88,731 58% 33%
Greenwood Index-Journal 14,243 79% 14%
Hilton Head Island Packet 19,514 60% 20%
Myrtle Beach Sun News 51,303 60% 20%
Orangeburg Times and Dem. 17,016 100% 0%
Rock Hill Herald 31,428 0% 0%
Seneca Daily Journal/Msgr. 7,661 50% 50%
Spartanburg Herald-Journal 48,514 0% 0%
Sumter Item 20,187 75% 13%
Union Daily Times 5,447 57% 29%
But there will be no surprises in that for you. Since I already analyzed our pages for you using this group’s assumptions (something that I’m guessing they assumed I wouldn’t do), you knew where we’d end up.
So now you have it again. Are you gasping yet?